Abstract classes an methods
Abstract classes do pretty much what classes do but with a bit of restriction. Example 1 (abstract classes) Take the following code: An abstract class Car.java StartingPoint.java The above code…
Abstract classes do pretty much what classes do but with a bit of restriction. Example 1 (abstract classes) Take the following code: An abstract class Car.java StartingPoint.java The above code…
Whenever we add 'final' in front of a variable, it means we can't change the variable under any circumstances. In this example we use an int variable number, but we…
This is how the math functions and constants work. Outputs: Constructor for Emma Smith, members in the club: 1 Constructor for Larry Oldman, members in the club: 2 Constructor for…
We use the static keyword when we want all the objects to share a single variable. In this program we make 3 new objects that all share the static int…
Controlling different variables in different classes. In the below class, the declaration of; private int hour; private int minute; private int second; As private, only the methods within the cat.class…
Outputs: 14:15:20 2:15:20 pm
Outputs: 00:00:00 14:15:20
The above program uses methods from the cat class, so we create a new object of that class so we can use the methods within the cat class. We pass…
So the above program creates a new scanner, then takes the input from the scanner and puts it in a string called 'name'. This string is then executed in the…