With the Super keyword, you can:
Look at the following example:
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Square mysquare = new Square(); mysquare.getInformation(); } } class Shape // the SUPERCLASS { int color = 4; public void getInformation() // getInformation() in the superclass { System.out.println(color); } } class Square extends Shape // the SUBCLASS { String sides="4 sides"; public void getInformation() // getInformation() in the subclass { getInformation(); } }
This outputs:
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.StackOverflowError
at Square.getInformation(Test.java:30)
at Square.getInformation(Test.java:30)
at Square.getInformation(Test.java:30)
Why the error?
At line 28, the call to method getInformation() actually has “this” appending to it automatically:
“this” refers to the object that called it “mysquare”
So what happens is a cycle that goes round and round and crashes the program.
However, if we use the “super” keyword
super.getInformation() as follows on line 28
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Square mysquare = new Square(); mysquare.getInformation(); } } class Shape // the SUPERCLASS { int color = 4; public void getInformation() // getInformation() in the superclass { System.out.println(color); } } class Square extends Shape // the SUBCLASS { String sides="4 sides"; public void getInformation() // getInformation() in the subclass { super.getInformation(); } }
This outputs:
The getInformation() method in the SUPERCLASS is being called (the Shape class)